Blue Cat'z Home

Guillaume Jeulin's Musical Home

About Me

My name is Guillaume Jeulin, also known as “Blue Cat” in many places, and I am really passionate about Music.

I was born in 1977 and have been enjoying to play, record, listen and try to understand music and sound since the early 80’s. More than a hobby, it is a true passion that has driven most of my life.

I am lucky enough to be able to make a living out of Blue Cat Audio, a company that I created years ago which is closely related to my main interests: music, sound and science.

This humble website is a tool to share my musical interests with you thru my modest creations and some personal ideas or stories about music.

If I mainly play guitar and bass, I am also a self-taught drummer, and I can play simple things on a keyboard. Anything that is loud enough to make noise will get my attention! 🙂


Contact Me

My bandcamp
My YouTube channel
My Instagram

No One Came’s bandcamp
No One Came’s YouTube Channel