A Few Demos For Blue Cat Audio

I have made a couple of demos for Blue Cat Audio over the years, especially since I have released a couple of guitar products. Most of the time I am too lazy to write anything in advance for it, so it is mostly improvised content.
The videos are now gathered in a YouTube Playlist, if you want to watch them all. You will find below a small selection with some of my favorites.
Blue Cat’s PolyVibe
A vintage 70’s style Univibe demo with the great PRS Fiore guitar. Not fully improvised, but written “on the fly” while going thru the factory presets. There is no backing track here (I play all the instruments).
Vintage Dark Tape Piano (Late Replies)
An example of a demo on keyboards. It will probably end up as a full song one of these days!
Tuning The “Stratocatser” With Hot Tuna
It’s so much fun to record something completely out of tune! Also, I had fun with the headstock sticker (you have to read carefully).
Clean Guitar & “Creative Reverb”
I find creative reverb and delays on top of a clean guitar tone very inspiring.
Feedback With The Foot
The AcouFiend effect is really fun and is very attractive when used on stage!
Late Replies Pattern With Drums Loops
You won’t see me very often with a Les Paul in hands (I am more a Strat-kind-of-guy)! The strange thing on the neck is a Spider Capo (partial capo).
A Very Challenging Guitar Lick
Who needs to practice anymore these days?
And that’s it for today! There is a lot more to watch in the playlist if you are interested!